What I have Learned at Encora — 4

Carlos Pimentel
Oct 27, 2020


This week was more relaxed than the past weeks. So this summary is very short.

These two topics where explained by Seth Lloyd, a man with a peculiar laugh and a good sense of humor. I don’t understand the topics very well but ok! we are learning by small increments!

Richard Feynman. This man was incredible. I wish I could meet him. Or at least that he was still alive. And incredible person, an incredible scientific and an incredible explainer.

Monkeys!!! Netflix is very interesting because it does his test directly in production. I don’t think that this could be an approach that every company should do, but maybe should try.

All the videos about testing at google were very complicated I think they are very technical so I can’t understand so much about them. I want to search more about testing because is a very complicated topic to my.

And finally these 3 videos were very good. Pretotyping is a word that I didn't know hahaha. And papertyping was my favorite “pretotyping” form. Wolfram alpha is a great service, and I think is very interesting the vision that Wolfram has. And finally the video about the black boxes from the airplanes… And the growth mindset. All we need to practice, collect data and learn from failures to be better.



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